Tuesday, August 14, 2018
Bonneville Speed Fun 2018
This is just a view of the area.
This posting is used because I forgot how to post on my Blog. More to come, once I learn how to do it all over .
Posted by
6:34 PM
Wednesday, November 01, 2017
The Salton Sea Adventure
CalEnergy Operations is based in Calipatria, California. They owns 10 geothermal facilities in California’s Imperial Valley.

DesertDale took a quick dip, as the water was cool. Last year it was warm. Plus we had birds last year. Not many birds this year.
This a a view of Saltton Sea. As you can see how much the water has droped..
Salton Sea is 227 below sea level. It was 45 miles long and 20 miles wide in 1905..
You can camp, boating, water sky, Kayaking, bird watching, go on hikes and of course photograhing.
Enjoy the article and posting.
Posted by
12:42 PM
Tuesday, October 24, 2017
The Tortoise
DeseertDale and Kifoxgal was on a mission to recover his KTM, which went out of service , some where on the trail DesertDale was riding in the Cargo Muchacho Mtns. Range. DeserDale had it stake out good.
DesertDale got his KTM runing again, no problem.
They came across the Tortoise on their way to find the KTM.
The tortoises move very slow on dry land.
A Tortoise starts to dig the ground to form a place to hybernate at the first signs of autumn. They dig with its fore-feet , very slowly. They prefers swampy grounds of course.
They starts losing their appetite when the temperature drops. They will also stop breathing .
Thhey wake up from hypernation in the spring. They do not start to eat right away. They will slowly get their appetite back and their energy as the temperature warms up.
In the summer eat voracisously.
They sleep many hours in the summer. They start to sleep in late afternoons. until the next morning.
They like the warm weather, but try to avoid the hot sun.
Tortoise feed on grasses, weeds, leafy greens, flowers and some fruits. Some species may eat worms or insects .
To much protein they may have some type of shell deformited or other type of medical problems.
Posted by
1:24 PM
Thursday, September 21, 2017
Grand Canyon Adventure
Sorry Folks but I was going to post July. Forgot to do it, So here it is.
The Grand Cayon Adventure.
They had some 44,173 visitors. Now it receives over five million visitors each year, from all over the World.
This site takes you to Administrative History of Grand Canyon National Park.
We have so many photos . It was hard to post the best ones.
There are many campgrounds inthe park. What ever way you camp tent or R.V. in.
Camping in Grand Canyon National Park.
A good site to check out the camping is : www.nationalparks.org/GrandCanyon/Tours ,
Sorry Folks but I was going to post July. Forgot to do it, So here it is.
Posted by
1:33 PM
Saturday, July 29, 2017
Sunset Crater Volcano Adventure
The Sunset Crater Volcano National Monument is in Arizona. It is within the San Francisco Volcanic Field.
Then in 1930 President Hoover proclation of it a Naional Monument.
There is a one-mile, self -guided loop trail located at the base of Sunset Crater. Hiking to the summit is not permittted. It is along Highway 89, north of Flagstaff. The site is some 8028 ft. elv.
Sunset Crater Volcano last eruption about 1000 years ago. It is Arizona's youngest volcano.
Each time the volcano erupts life changes. Farming in the high desert by the Wupatki had many challenges. The Wupatki lived with very little water and the climate was very hot and dry.
Their living structures raged from singles family to high-rse. The largest dewlling was about 100 rooms.
The environment provided the materials for their dwelling. They used sandstone slabs, lime-stone blocks and chucks of basalt set with a clay-based mortar provided a sturdy building marerial.. Some of their buildings are still standing.
This was a arena was their community room.
People have been living there for before the volcano erupted. There is no evidnce what they called their selves. They think they are from the Sinaguma culture. They were farmers , that lived in groups, next to their corn fields. Thier homes were pithomes, dug partly in the ground .
Life involved sharing and trading.
In 1250 the volcano had had quieted , pueblos stood empty. The people of Wupatki had moved on and established new homes in the Colorado Plateau.
Thanks goes to the National Park Service for the info.
Nestled between the Painted Desert and ponderosa highlands of northern Arizona, Wupatki is a landscape of legacies. Ancient pueblos dot red-rock outcroppings across miles of prairie. Where food and water seem impossible to find, people built pueblos, raised families, farmed, traded, and thrived. Today, if you linger and listen, earth and artifacts whisper their stories to us still.
From Kitfoxgal |
Posted by
12:03 PM
Monday, June 26, 2017
Page Spring Adventure
The Malheur National Wildlife is managed by BLM, was dedicated in 1908. It is a favorite destination for Birds. About 220 species there.
We arrived at the of the Blitzen River Valley. Beatiful over look of the Valley. It is a 42 mile self -guided auto tour, which is south of our camp site at Page Spring.
Somerange post office was established in1923. Then in 1930 the name was changed to Frenchglen.
DsertDale stopped on the road so the snake could pass safe
One last look at the wandering deer going through our campground..
Enjoy life. Kitfoxgal
Posted by
12:06 PM
Saturday, June 03, 2017
Stillwater Adventure
If you look high for the old shore line you will see where the shore line was way back then.

In the 1900's the Newlands Irrigation Project where the water was dammed and the Lathontan Reservoir was created. To prevent the loss of the Stillwater marshes there was the Truckee-Carson Irrigation District formed to manage 224,000 acres, which was named Stillwater Wildlife Management area.
Stillwater Marshes remaine a paradise for the migratory birds. It remains a great site for migratory birds
In the 1980's the floods washed away the topsoil exposing village, artifacts and burials dating back 300 to 3200 years ago.
Posted by
12:02 PM