Wednesday, November 01, 2017

The Salton Sea Adventure

 CalEnergy Operations  is based in Calipatria, California. They owns 10 geothermal facilities in California’s Imperial Valley.

We stopped for a short visit at the 5 Palms Hot Spring.  It is a short distances from  the Dunes.
DesertDale took a  quick dip, as the water was cool.  Last year it was warm.  Plus we had birds last year.  Not many birds this year.
This is a Snowy Egret.  They dance in the shallows.  Many have long filmy feathers at  breeding time.  Legs are black are mostly black, with bright yellow feet.
Thhe Brown Pelican.

This a a view of Saltton Sea.  As you can see how much the water has droped..
Salton Sea is 227 below sea level.  It was 45 miles long and 20 miles wide in 1905.. 
You can  camp, boating, water sky, Kayaking, bird watching,  go on hikes and of course photograhing.

Enjoy the article and posting.

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