Enjoy life in this beautiful country.
Oh! What a beautiful sunset we had last night. DesertDale took this last night, as we were setting out doors enjoying the sunset.
The bird is a Cooper's Hawk. The plumage is all most the same as a Sharp-shinned Hawk. But the Copper's head is larger and the tail longer.
The adult Copper's do have a black cap, belly white, with streaks and a long tail.
It likes the woodlands, brush, canyons, mountains in the southwest.
Their range is from Southern Canada to Northern Mexico.
Here are a few photos of birds, I just had to share with my readers.
This is our "hummingbird" just getting ready to land.
This was a "Ash Throated Flycatcher" that landed near our site at Parker.
This is a "house finch" that wanted to make friend with the little guy in the mirror.
This little guy, I just had to post one more time. It is the "Hooded Oriole". Their are 5 subspecies in 2 groups, of this type. They like open areas with some trees, plus suburban and park areas. The spices is growing in California but getting lower in Texas.Must also say Leann and I done our " good deed" yesterday. We had the pleasure of cleaning up , our site, the area near Earp, Ca. People just don,t have enough brains to clean up after their selves.
This land, out here is free boondocking , for 14 days at no charge. So people need to clean up after their self's.
Have a good day. Kitfoxgal
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