Friday, May 07, 2010

Fish Lake Hot Well In Nevada! Whoppi!!!!

Good afternoon folks. We are at the "Fish Lake Hot Well" in this beautiful desert.
As you can see,by the photo, it is high in the desert. It is near the big town of Dyer, NV. It is so big it my not be on some maps. There are 3 pools. One is cement-lined and the others are not. They are opened all year at 4,800 ft. They are well matineed year round by the county of Esmeralda. Just want to say "Thank You " to the county.
It was discovered in the 1880's when ranchers were drilling for oil.
GPS:N37'51.600 W117'59.022.

There are firerings, bathrooms, bar-b-ques, trash cans, "no drinking water",and plenty of room for seceral cmpers of all type and it is handicap accissible with help. There are also many different types of birds as you can see by the photos.

The main pond is 105'. It runs ito a larger pond at 95'. Then into a pond at 85'.
It's posted as "no nude bathing", at least there is a sign tha says that. But I am sure that it is optional.

Like I said before there is parking for several rigs, tents or what ever you have.

The county just ask what ever you do "keep it clean". I must say it is. They also ask you not to drive it at night. The road is also subject to flash floods.

There is nothing close by so make sure you got water and eats.

There are 7 miles of rough a rough. But if you take it easy like DesertDale does, you will make it just fine.

There are 3 rigs parked here now and all parked far enough away from each other. Oh, Yes one other thing I all most forgot to tell you about. Ther are "Gold Fish" in the large pond. As you can see by the photo.

Take care. Time for our morning walk. Kitfoxgal

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