Saturday, August 25, 2012

Pelicans At Bodga Bay

Good afternoon to all my readers. 
These are "godwits".  Flocks will stand on flooded tidal flats in winter, propping the mud with their bills.
The "Brown Pelican"  have a large beak with a hooked tip and a very large pouch.  They breed in Anacopa Island, California south to Chili, then to Maryland to Venezuela and Trinidad.  They are the only pelicans that are strictly marine in habitat.
The white pelican breeds in North American.  Then moves to the south coasts as far as Central America.  They ar plump and large.

I also need to thank Bob and Herb for the fine fishing trips they gave DesertDale on their boat.  Bob even cook a "Fish Dinner" one night for the hole crew.  He done a fine job of cooking the "bottom fish", "rock cod" and "link cod" the 3 of them caught. Yum,Yum it was good.  I should say to good for words.

We are at Pollock Pines enjoy the company of Tammie (DesertDale's daughter) and her family.  DesertDale is going to cook "Fish Taco" for lunch today.

Enjoy life now when you can .    Kitfoxgal.

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