Tuesday, October 24, 2017

The Tortoise

DeseertDale and Kifoxgal was on a mission to  recover his KTM, which went out of  service , some where on the trail DesertDale was riding in  the Cargo Muchacho Mtns. Range.  DeserDale had it stake out good.
DesertDale got his KTM runing again, no problem. 
They came across the Tortoise on their way to find the KTM.

The tortoises move very slow on dry land.
A Tortoise  starts to  dig the ground to form a place to  hybernate at the first signs of autumn.  They dig with its fore-feet , very slowly.  They prefers swampy grounds of course.
They  starts losing their appetite  when  the  temperature drops. They will also stop breathing .
Thhey wake up from hypernation in the spring.  They do not start to eat right away.   They  will slowly get their appetite back and their energy as the temperature warms up.
In the summer eat voracisously.
They sleep  many hours in the summer.  They start to sleep in late afternoons. until the next morning.
They like the warm weather, but  try to avoid the hot sun.

Tortoise feed on grasses, weeds, leafy greens, flowers and some fruits.   Some species may  eat worms or insects .
To much protein they may have some type of shell deformited or other type of medical problems.



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