Monday, October 25, 2010

A Feast At Kitfox Lane

Hello folks.  There has been some beautiful days out  here in this desert.  It has been running in the 80's  and not much wind.  DesertDale did read on the weather report it is suppose to be windy today.
Virgin came up with a great idea at Happy Hour, yesterday.  She said we have a lot of fish we caught in Michigan, "Lets have a fish fry tomorrow for dinner".
What a fantastic job Dick did with cooking the fish, along with DesertDale's supervising him.
Virgin had some "bake beans" , biscuits ,"yum, yum", and cups of jello.
DesertDale and Kitfoxgal brought some "Spanish Rice" and a salad.

We all had more then enough to fell our stomachs. As we all had big grines on our faces.
By the way those biscuts was the best I ever had.  "Thanks Virgin" for bring them.

All I can say about the weather it has been "A1".

Dick and Desertdale went about 35 miles on their bike run, earlier in the day.

Hope you all are eating as well as we are.  Kitfoxgal

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