Monday, April 25, 2011

Chloride Cliff --- Ghost Town

Good morning to all you fine folks.  If you look close you will find a red dot,
just to the left of of plant.   That is where we were at.

Chloride Cliff is in Death Valley.  This is a area of about 4 miles square. At one time, that is many of years ago, the mining was a hot thing in the area.

What a fantastic view you get of Death Vally.  Here is a view from our spot at Chloride Cliff ,some 5,000 ft.

The mine was discovered in Aug. of 1871, when a civil engineer was surveying the area.

Back then the gold was $200 to $1000 per ton.
Pack mules arrived every 3 months with supplies for the miners.

But after 2 years it became very unprofitable too keep the mine open.
So it was closed.

Then the "Bullfrog" boon begin.  That made it more profitable to reopen it.    Now there was 2 mines in the area that was running.  More came later

Chloride Cliff became a "ghost town" in about 1941.  (Hope that is right)

We also found the grave site of James McKay.  No info was found on him.  Just his name was at the site of his grave.
There was no other grave sites found.

DesertDale wanted to take a short cut back to the highway.  It turned out to take longer to go the short way, then it did the way we came up.  As there were spots we could go only 2 to 5 miles a hour.  But it was a very enjoyable ride, even if did take longer.  Oh! what views we where blessed with.

Loved it all.

 Had lunch at the "Sourdough Saloon" in Beatty.  It was A1 watering hole.    Would love to eat there once again.

Want to "Thank" my "Sweet Guy" for such a enjoyable day.

Have a fun day.  Kitfoxgal


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