Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Montana, We Have Arrived!!!!!

Hello to all my fine readers out there. I hope you all are enjoy life , as I am. As I could not ask for more then what I have with DesertDale.

We had a good visit with Bob and family in Boise. Willie is doing great. He can now feed his self some. They fixed a device that straps to his wrist so can work the controls on a computer and his race cars. He does real good at that. He always has a nice smell on his face.
Willie is the son of Bob's, who had a wreck about a year and half ago. That bruised his spinel column.

As we went on Hwy.55, we came to Horseshoe Bend, Caseada then turned on to 95 at New Meadow. Then to our site near the Little Salmon River. How beautiful it is. You can see the bridge that goes over the river and on into Riggens, from our site.

We did go through McCall it was a very busy place. It remined me of Tahoe, without the Casinos.
McCall is on 55 after you pass Casade. There also is a real nice lake at McCall.
We had one poor over night stay at our site. Were the cars went by all the time and they had no curtsy to slow down when they went by our rig. Dust went every were.
Sure was glad when day time came. So on we went our merry way, never to return there again.

We finally got to Kent and Leann's place at Trout Creek, Montana. What a fine place Leann's folks have here. The lakes right at their back door. There is even a "osprey" that built her nest right in their back yard.

It is getting close to dinner time, so will close for now. Enjoy your partner, who ever it might be. Kitfoxgal

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