Thursday, November 11, 2010

Hi Jolly Monument & Cemetery and More

Good morning to all.
DesertDale and Kitfoxgal drove into Quartzsite to check for their mail.  Post Office not open, to early.  They also wanted to check on a couple of "Garage Sales." Desertdale got a drill set, plus a cowboy hat, can you believe that .

Then on to the Hi Jolly Cemetery.

Hi Jolly was a camel driver from Syria . He converted to Islam and then his name was Hadji Ali,t hen to Hi Jolly.
It was also a better name for a camel driver, which is what he was when he first came to this country. He was the most colorful of the camel drivers because he remained in the desert southwest and became a prospector, scout and was a courier for what was called the Jackass Mail. He also was a packer, hauling freight in the area also.
Hi Jolly died in Dec. of 1902, in what in now known as Quartzsite
In his day the town was called Tyson’s Well.
In 1934 the AZ. Dept. of Transportation made this monument over his grave. His grave became the beginning of the pioneer cemetery. The monument is a favorite of visitors to Arizona.
It is also know as "Hi Jolly's Last Camp".

So need to show this phot of our "boondocking site" , in the Dome Rock , with Dick and Virigina plus Jerry and Nancy.

This is no-others then ours.

Hope you all have as good as good a day, as we will be having.  Kitfoxgal

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