Monday, August 06, 2012

P Ranch At Malheur National Wildlife Refuge

We are spending a few more days in the Malheur area.  DesertDale and Kitfoxgal are enjoying the area, even if it is a campsite area, at $4.00 a day plus the birding is good.
Male "Northern Flicker They often hop awkwardly on the ground,looking for ants.
Peter French and  few vaqueros, plus about 1200 head of cattle looking for land for the cattle.  They found it in the Blitzen River Valley.  They eventually controlled the entire valley.  The horses were the last known stock to bear the brans "P".
The Refuge acquired the land.   The barn on the ranch.
This is a "Willow Flyactcher".    Like I have said before it is a very fine birding along the River Trail, where you might see Bullock's Oriole, Willow Flycatcher,  Red-naped Sapsuckers,Western Tanager and other migrating songbirds.
The old fire tower is a fine roost site for dozens of Turkey Vultures.


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