Monday, October 28, 2013

Quartzsite Adventure

Good afternoon folks.  DesertDale took me to lunch when we were in Quartzsite.  Of course it was at our favorite spot " The Yacht Club".  Then on to our mission for a hummingbird feeder.   We know that they have at the hardware store in Quartzsite.
 DesertDale took this photo near Palo Verde.  It is a osprey . They winter in sw Arizona.

The "Roadrunner" was taken near Parker. They are found in Nevada, Utah, Arizona and
 New Mexico.We did see a roadrunner, but they move so fast, did not have time to snap a photo. They are found in S. Nevada, SW. Utah, most of Arizona and New Mexico.

We made a stop at Cibola Wildlife  Area. DesertDale took a few photos of birds while we were there.
 We also paste the Cibola National Wildlife Refuge.  It is located along the lower Colorado River, just about  20 miles south of Blythe, CA.  Two-thirds of the refuge is in Arizona and one-third is in California. It is 16,627 acres and is 12 miles long, joining the Imperial NWR on the south.   It was started in 1964 . 
This is the "Spotted Sandpiper".  They live in or near rivers and ponds.
We did see a roadrunner, but they move so fast, did not have time to snap a photo. They are found in S. Nevada, SW. Utah, most of Arizona and New Mexico.
The photo is from goggle.  As I could not find my will keep looking for it.
Hope you enjoy the posting as much as DesertDale and Kitfoxgal did their lunch.

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